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If you or someone you know has timely and relevant information on planned giving, send us your article!

To make a submission, here's what we need:

  • 750 words or less
  • Word or original format
  • Author's bio and headshot

Letter from the President

Dear Friends,

This time of year is my favorite. The holiday season is here and the celebrations and gatherings are in full gear. As we take time to relax and enjoy being with family and friends - the Chesapeake Planned Giving Council (CPGC) extends a warm greeting.

With the end of the year approaching, many of you are busy working with supporters, donors, and clients of your organizations, and getting ready for the busy charitable giving season. The mad rush to get things done by December 31st is here. Meanwhile, CPGC has been busy with educational programs and planning events for 2023:

In November, CPGC hosted a hybrid Lunch and Learn event in Hunt Valley, MD. We heard from Emanuel “Emil” Kallina, National Association of Charitable Gift Planners Hall of Fame Inductee & CPGC Co-founder. He presented on the “Stretch CRUT – an Alternative to a Secure Act Payout”, and shared with us a creative strategy for IRAs, legacy plans, and family inheritance.

This month, we will learn about “A Family Story, Cultural Competency, and Planned Giving: Philanthropic Planning in the African American Community”: A case study on Peter and Charlotte Cade, which I am excited to present. In this presentation, we’ll unpack a myriad of topics that advisors should be aware of, and discuss how to address them to assist the Cade family. The Cade family information touches on planning challenges and the need for creative thinking when it comes to addressing their legal, tax, financial, business, and charitable giving needs. If you have questions or would like more information on this case study, send me a note.

Starting in January, CPGC will unveil new plans and a strategy to bring you additional events - both educational and networking. Also, check out the article in this newsletter from Richard J. Letocha, J.D., CFP®, Immediate Past President of CPGC. He has some exciting news to share about upcoming plans for a 2023 Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® Study Group.

On behalf of the CPGC Board of Directors, we wish you and your family a Happy Holiday season and a wonderful New Year.

Aquanetta Betts, J.D.
CPGC President
LinkedIn @AquanettaBetts

Chesapeake Planned Giving Council Sponsors 2023 Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® Study Group
Richard J. Letocha, J.D., CFP®

We’re delighted to announce that the Chesapeake Planned Giving Council will sponsor a 2023 study group for those interested in pursuing the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® designation!

Some of you may recall a 2021 CPGC panel discussion about credentials in the field of gift planning.  The panel acknowledged that the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (or CAP®) designation, sponsored by The American College of Financial Services, is the most widely recognized credential in our field.  Not just gift planners, but also allied professionals in law, accounting, insurance, wealth management, and other fields, have found the CAP® credential to be meaningful in incorporating conversations about legacy giving into their work with donors and clients.  The attached flyer explains the CAP® program in more detail.  Please click here for additional information, including the pricing

A key focus of the CAP® program is the interdisciplinary nature of the work done by both fundraising professionals and those who work in fields such as wealth management, accounting, insurance, and law.  Accordingly, we’d like our 2023 CAP® study group to include professionals from a wide range of disciplines, and we hope you’ll spread the word far and wide within your network.

Study group participants should expect a robust online discussion, twice per month for approximately nine months, covering courses in three broad areas:  Planning for Philanthropic Impact in the Context of Family Wealth; Charitable Giving Strategies; and Gift Planning in a Nonprofit Context.  There will be readings and other “homework” between the discussion sessions. Each of the three courses concludes with a two-hour exam. Throughout your time in the program, you will also have online access to The College’s expert faculty.

To register your interest, or to request more information, please reach out to Richard Letocha.

About the Author

Richard J. Letocha, J.D., CFP®
Director, Gift Planning
Johns Hopkins University

Richard Letocha assists donors to Johns Hopkins University and Medicine with bequest intentions, life income gifts, gifts of tangible personal property, and gifts of real estate.  He has prior experience in wealth management, trust and estate administration, and law firm practice, and is the immediate Past President of the Chesapeake Planned Giving Council.  He is excited to pursue CAP® certification in 2023 and looks forward to helping to lead the study group.

Make Your 2023 New Year’s Career Resolution Today

By: Ashley Gatewood, MA, PCM

I like New Year’s resolutions because they fit nicely in the “T” of SMART goals. The “T” is for “time-bound.” There’s no easier way to track your progress against a goal than within a calendar year.

If you’ve been thinking of making career-oriented New Year’s resolutions, here are some ideas to get you started.

"More" is a Slippery Slope

Saying, “I’m going to attend more networking events” or, “I’m going to spend more time mentoring staff” or any other goal that involves the word “more” gets squishy.

If you attended one networking event in 2022, are you saying attending two in 2023 would be a home run? If you mentor staff quarterly, are you now saying you’ll meet with them more often? Or for a longer duration during each quarterly mentoring session?

Numbers are critical to holding yourself accountable. Attach a number to every goal:

  • “I will attend four networking events in 2023.”
  • “Every month, I will mentor each person on my team for two hours.”
  • “I will attend two conferences in 2023.”

No matter what your goals are, make sure each has an achievable number alongside it.

Commit to Building Your Brand
Not everyone feels comfortable positioning themselves as a thought leader. That’s OK.

However, it pays to build your professional brand organically. With a possible recession looming, demonstrating your development know-how and contributing to the sector’s knowledge early in 2023 can be crucial to future-proofing your career.

Consider your areas of expertise. They may or may not be related to development. Perhaps you’re a whiz at interviewing prospective teammates, you’re a champ at building rapport with difficult colleagues, or managing overzealous board members is your forte.

Whether it’s a hard or soft skill you have a knack for, let others know this is one of your areas of expertise.

Demonstrate your knowledge by writing a LinkedIn article, applying to speak at a conference on the topic (don’t forget speakers often get to attend at least one day free!), or crafting a tip sheet for your organization’s intranet.

Building your brand doesn’t have to be akin to shouting how amazing you are (although I’m sure you are amazing). Consistently share your strengths and advice with others to grow your reputation as an expert.

Achieve a Credential
Eighty-seven percent of executives believe that people who hold an alternative credential bring value to the workplace, according to a Society of Human Resources Management 2022 survey.

An alternative credential can range from a micro credential that is earned in a few hours to a non-degree certification you pursue over several years.

A credential shows you’re a lifelong learner who goes the extra mile. More importantly, it signals your knowledge is up-to-date and your skill set isn’t stuck in the past.

In the fundraising field, more than 7,700 professionals hold the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential. Data from the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ 2022 Compensation and Benefits Report shows that CFREs earn 5 – 16 percent more than non-CFREs with comparable experience.

No matter what industry-recognized credential you set your sights on, it can help you stand out on the job hunt and be a strong point of leverage during salary negotiations.

Become a Soft Skills Maestro
Think soft skills don’t matter in the workplace? Well, 97 percent of employers disagree according to a 2018 Wonderlic survey.

Grace under pressure, emotional intelligence, and time management may all feel like skills you either possess or you don’t.

The good news is you can improve soft skills just like you would any other competency. Soft skills usually equate to having solid people skills, which are vital if you want to manage staff or develop authentic connections with donors.

Keep your goals realistic and pick one or two you plan to improve in 2023. Attend trainings or read articles that will provide tips on how to develop those skills within yourself.

It may feel difficult to measure your progress in gaining a soft skill. In these cases, ask yourself in January, June, and December, “Do I feel I can more confidently [fill in the blank].” This may be tackle public speaking, avoid feeling overwhelmed when work is hectic, or any other soft skill area where you see room for improvement.

2023 is Nearly Here

Write your goals down prior to January 1 and tie achievable numbers to each. In December 2023, you’ll feel on top of the world to see how far you’ve come.

About the Author

Ashley Gatewood, MA, PCM
Director, Communications and Marketing
CFRE International

Ashley Gatewood is passionate about the nonprofit sector and membership associations, having spent the bulk of her career in these areas. She loves talking about the CFRE credential and how it can help elevate fundraising professionals’ careers. Ashley has been with CFRE International since 2018. She believes nonprofits and the people within them play an integral role in shaping our world for the better.

Previously, she was the events and marketing manager at the Fundraising Institute of New Zealand where she helped bring world-class fundraising programing to the country.
Ashley holds a bachelor’s from Towson University in Maryland and a master’s from the University of Texas at Austin.

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